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TPP v. updated 17.03.2024

If paid support expired before 10.10.2024, this TOPODRONE Post Processing version will not work for a user. It is necessary to either pay for support or download previous version distributive, the release date of which is earlier than the expiration date of paid support. Post Processing v1.3.2.2.exe



+AQAMAPPER Интегрированmodule модуль AQAMAPPERintegrated


+ КалибровочныеAdded: углыLiDAR рассчитываютсяCalibration иangles применяютсяare погалсно.now Применяетсяcalculated приand уточненииapplied угловon наклонаa трека.per-gal basis. It is used when specifying track inclination angles.


+ Added: WinPcap иand .NET Core 3.1 Desktop Runtime are installed automatically. Runtime устанавливаются автоматически.