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TPP v. от 02.10.2024

If paid support expired before 02.10.2024, then this distribution will not work for the user. It is necessary to either pay for support or download previous distributions, the release date of which is earlier than the expiration date of paid support. Post Processing v1.4.4.2.exe         (вставить в адресную страницу браузера

+ AQUAMAPPER: fixed: AQUAMAPPER GNSS time has a day transition or batch post-processing of datasets taken over several weeks.
+ SPP single vector/SPP network equalization/PPP: Updated links for downloading ephemeris from the server (University of California, San Diego [UCSD]), because NASA server does not have ephemeris for every day.
+ LCG: During calculation of angles can make a large number of passes. Limit the number of passes = 10
+ Added: “Clear logs” button in all modules
+ PRJ: Moved to the Server. Now they can be loades the same way as Geoids.
+ PPK/RTK: fixed: configuration files