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TPP v. updated 02.10.2024

If paid support expired before 02.10.2024, this TPP version will not work for a user. It is necessary to either pay for support or download previous version distributive, the release date of which is earlier than the expiration date of paid support. Post Processing v1.4.4.2.exe         (вставить в адресную страницу браузера

+ AQUAMAPPER: fixed: AQUAMAPPER GNSS time has a day transition or batch post-processing of datasets taken over several weeks.
+ SPP single vector/SPP network equalization/PPP: Updated links for downloading ephemeris from the server (University of California, San Diego [UCSD]), because NASA server does not have ephemeris for every day.
+ LCG: During calculation of angles can make a large number of passes. Limit the number of passes = 10
+ Added: “Clear logs” button in all modules
+ PRJ: Moved to the Server. Now they can be loades the same way as Geoids.
+ PPK/RTK: fixed: configuration files