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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Question: When performing post-processing, the dense cloud is not generated or is generated incorrectly (in circles, with large gaps, in one direction, etc.).


    a) It is necessary to check the settings of scanning angles ( see section "Setting up the laser sensor"). If the angle settings are incorrect, the data may not be suitable for post-processing.

    b) Check that the laser scanner is correctly installed (see "Laser Scanner Installation" chapters).  The laser scanner has probably been installed incorrectly. 

    c) Incorrect coordinate system selected when generating the point cloud.

  2. Question: what happens if the free space on the memory card runs out during data recording (ALS or MLS)?    Answer: writing files to the memory card will stop, but writing to the internal memory will not start. No further data will be recorded. It is recommended to check the remaining free space on the memory card in advance and free up space on the flash card if necessary.

  3. Question: why is it recommended for MLS to use electric transportation: scooter, scooter, etc. for TOPODRONE BackPack?                                                                                                                                                                             Ответ: Question: why is it recommended for MLS to use electric transportation: scooter, etc. for TOPODRONE BackPack?

  4. Question: Why is it recommended not to exceed the ALS or MLS session time of more than 30 min?                                Answer: Long sessions can significantly increase post-processing time and degrade the quality of results. If necessary, it is recommended to divide a large survey area into sections that can be scanned in 30 minutes.

  5. Question: TOPODRONE laser scanner does not download data to an external flash drive after writing data to the internal memory.
    a) When connecting an external drive to the USB Type-C connector, make sure that the external drive is properly connected to the USB Type-C port of the TOPODRONE laser scanner. If you are using a USB OTG adapter, make sure it is correct.
    b) The TOPODRONE laser scanner has not been initialized before preparing it for use for ALS or MLS. For example, due to an unconnected external antenna cable or insufficient GNSS signal quality. Even if GNSS data is lost during ALS or MLS, the dataset in the internal memory of the TOPODRONE laser scanner will still be generated and available for download.
    c) The data from the TOPODRONE laser scanner has already been previously overwritten and deleted from the internal memory after a successful transmission.

  6. Question: Is it necessary to perform the Infinity or Forward-Backward calibration maneuver in each VLS or MLS session?
    Answer: Yes, the calibration maneuver must be performed each time before starting the ALS or MLS of the main zone. This maneuver is necessary to correctly calibrate the built-in IMU laser scanner.

  7. Question: The TOPODRONE laser scanner makes a small buzzing sound when it is turned on, is this normal?
    Answer: This is a normal indication of the rotation mechanism of the laser scanning units and is not a malfunction.

  8. Вопрос:Question: чтоWhat будетhappens еслиwhen приI выгрузкеunload данныхdata изfrom внутреннейthe памятиinternal лазерногоmemory сканераof the TOPODRONE извлечьlaser внешнийscanner флеш-накопитель,and неremove дождавшисьthe окончанияexternal переписывания?flash drive before the rewriting is complete?
    Answer: The last file set archive that was not successfully moved to the end will remain on the internal memory of the laser scanner until the next time the external flash drive is connected.