Mounting the TOPODRONE laser scanner on the backpack
To install the TOPODRONE laser scanner on a backpack, you will need the following components included in the package:
- TOPODRONE Backpack;
- Mounting aluminum bracket;
- External GNSS antenna;
- External GNSS antenna bolt;
- External GNSS antenna cable;
- Milestone 30 cm;
- USB PowerBank;
- LEMO 4 PIN power cable;
- Set of fixing screws M3x6.
Also to install the TOPODRONE laser scanner on the backpack you will need the following components, which are not included in the package:
- Hex 2.0 mm screwdriver;
- Hex 2.5 mm screwdriver.
Step 1: Prepare all accessories for installing TOPODRONE Backpack as shown in the photo. Screwdrivers: Phillips, HEX 2.0 / 2.5 mm
Step 2: Take the aluminum mounting bracket and place it on the table |
Step 3: Remove the 4 screws using a Hex 2.0 screwdriver as shown in the photo |
Step 4: Remove the fastener, lay the External GNSS antenna cable |
Step 5: Screw back the 4 screws of the fastener using a Hex 2.0 screwdriver. |
Step 6: Mount the GNSS antenna to the aluminum mounting bracket using the bolt |
Step 7: Screw the antenna cable into the GNSS antenna, taking care not to kink the cable |
Step 8. Place the LiDAR on the padded base* against the mounting bracket as shown in the photo |
Step 9. Using a Hex 2.5mm screwdriver, screw in the 4 M3x6 screws securing the LiDAR to the bracket |
Step 10. Connect the cable of the external GNSS antenna to the laser scanner, taking care not to bend it as shown in the photo |
Step 11. Screw the milestone tightly into the aluminum bracket as shown in the photo |
Шаг 12. Плотно прикрутите веху к алюминиевому кронштейну, как показано на фото |
Step |
ШагStep 16. НадетьPut TOPODRONE Backpack наon оператора,the застегнутьoperator, ремешки,fasten приthe необходимостиstraps, подтянутьif necessary tighten / расслабитьloosen лямкиthe так,straps чтобыso лазерныйthat сканерthe TOPODRONE находилсяlaser вышеscanner головыis оператора.above Направлениеthe лазерногоoperator's сканераhead. должноThe соответствоватьdirection направлениюof наthe фото.laser scanner should correspond to the direction in the photo.
НаAt этомthis этапеpoint установкаthe лазерногоinstallation сканераof the TOPODRONE наlaser рюкзакscanner завершена.on Можноthe приступатьbackpack кis выполнениюcomplete. инициализации,You калибровочногоcan маневраproceed «восьмерка»to иinitialization, выполнениюcalibration МЛС.maneuver “figure eight” and perform MLS.
* Все работыAll сoperations TOPODRONEнеобходимоwith выполнятьTOPODRONE максимальноshould бережно,be чтобыperformed неas повредитьgently линзуas сенсораpossible лазерногоto сканированиеavoid damaging the sensor lens of the laser scanner
** ТипThe источникаtype внешнегоof питанияexternal можетpower различатьсяsupply may vary.