Setting up the laser sensor
When using TOPODRONE LiDAR for ALS, the laser sensor Field-of-view angles are limited to 106 degrees due to the design feature of the applied drones (chassis). At the same time, the full view of the laser sensor (360 degrees) should be used to perform MLS. To change the angle of view of the laser scanner it is necessary to perform the procedure of connecting the TOPODRONE laser scanner to the Internet using a cell phone and the web-interface of the laser sensor with local connection via Wi-Fi.
The following components and conditions are required to perform the TOPODRONE laser sensor working angle adjustment procedure:
- Mobile Android device (smartphone or tablet) (Only Samsung, Honor, Xiaomi phones are tested, other manufacturers' mobile devices may not work correctly) with 3G/4G/5G mobile Internet or Wi-Fi network with Internet connection;
- USB Type-C OTG adapter (supplied with the package);
- USB cable for connection to a mobile device (supplied with the smartphone/tablet);
- Power supply (supplied with the kit) or power from the aircraft via a cable with LEMO 6 pin connector or power cable from Li-Po battery (supplied with the mobile kit);
- Computer or other mobile device with any internet connection.
To connect to the web interface of the laser scanner via a local network, the following steps must be performed strictly in the following order:
- Make sure that the TOPODRONE LiDAR is securely located on the back cover on a flat, stable horizontal surface or attached to the aircraft / mobile vehicle mount on a standard mount. Due to the gyroscopic torque, the scanner may start to move if it is not securely positioned and fall down after it is turned on. Never place the laser scanner on an uneven, slippery surface or on its side with the lens touching the surface.
- Power up the TOPODRONE LiDAR by connecting it to a power supply unit or aircraft or to a external PowerBank. To power the TOPODRONE LiDAR from the PowerBank, it must be turned on with a short press of a button on a PowerBank.
- Wait for the TOPODRONE LiDAR to turn on and boot up (once the scanner has finished booting up, the LED should be solid green and the yellow LED should turn off).
- Using a computer or mobile device, go to the available Wi-Fi networks section and find the network with the name TOPODRONE_LIDAR
- Connect to this network using the password topodrone.
- Then on your computer or other mobile device, open your browser and click on the link:
- In the web interface that opens, find the line with the values Azimuth FOV Start XXX / End YYY, where XXX – is the angle in degrees of the beginning of the scan are, YYY – angle in degrees of the end of the scanning area.
- For ALS set the FOV Start: 217 End: 323. With this values the field of view (FOV) will be 106 degrees to the bottom of TOPODRONE LiDAR (53 degrees to the left and right of the nadir). After entering the desired values, click the Save button.
- For MLS, set the FOV Start: 000 End: 359. With this values the field of view (FOV) will be 360 degrees. After entering the desired values, click the Save button.
- Make sure that all other settings except the recording start and end angles match those in the screenshots below:
Setting the Laser Scanning Sensor Parameters for the ALS
Setting the Laser Scanning Sensor Parameters for the MLS
- The TOPODRONE LiDAR settings are now complete. Turn off the power to the laser scanner, disconnect all cables and put the equipment in the case if necessary.
The TOPODRONE LiDAR settings are saved until the next time you change them. It is strongly recommended to memorize or make a note of the currently set laser sensor angles. In case of incorrect initial settings, e.g. setting the VLS at the time of performing an MLS, the data from the excluded angles is not saved and cannot be retrieved in any way. On the contrary, if the laser scanner is set to 360 degrees when performing VLS, the data will be more than 3 times redundant.
To connect to the web interface of the TOPODRONE LiDAR via the Internet, the following steps must be performed strictly in the following order:
- Make sure that the TOPODRONE LiDAR is securely located on the back cover on a flat, stable horizontal surface or attached to the aircraft / mobile vehicle mount on a standard mount. Due to the gyroscopic torque, the scanner may start to move if it is not securely positioned and fall down after it is turned on. Never place the laser scanner on an uneven, slippery surface or on its side with the lens touching the surface.
- Power up the TOPODRONE LiDAR by connecting it to a power supply unit or aircraft or to a external PowerBank. To power the TOPODRONE LiDAR from the PowerBank, it must be turned on with a short press of a button on a PowerBank.
- Wait for the TOPODRONE LiDAR to turn on and boot up (once the scanner has finished booting up, the LED should be solid green and the yellow LED should turn off).
СоединитеConnect the USB Type-C OTGпереходникadapterиand USBкабельcableдляtoподключенияconnectкtoмобильномуyourустройствуmobileвместеdeviceчерезtogetherразъемvia the USB Type-A connector (прямоугольныйrectangularразъем)
connector).ПодсоединитеConnect the USB Type-C OTGпереходникadapterкtoразъемуthe TOPODRONE laser scanner's USB Type-Cлазерного сканера TOPODRONE
connector.ПодсоединитеConnect the USBкабельcableдляforподключенияmobileкdeviceмобильномуconnectionустройствуtoкaмобильномуmobileустройствуdevice (смартфонуsmartphoneилиorпланшету)tablet)под управлением ОСrunning Android
OSУбедитесь,MakeчтоsureнаyourмобильномmobileустройствеdeviceимеетсяhasактивноеanподключениеactiveкInternetсетиconnectionИнтернет черезvia 3G/4G/5Gили черезor Wi-Fi.ВInмобильномyourустройствеmobileпройдитеdevice,поgoменю:toнастройкиthe menu: settings /подключенияconnections /мобильнаяmobileточкаhotspotдоступаandи модемmodem /режимUSBUSB-модемаmodem mode pr Tethering mode (may differs in different languages).ПослеThen,этогоonнаyourкомпьютереcomputerилиorиномotherмобильномmobileустройствеdevice,откройтеopenбраузерyourиbrowserперейдитеandпоclickссылке:on the following link:ВInоткрывшемсяtheвеб-интерфейсеwebнайдитеinterfaceстрокуthatсоopens,значениямиfind the line with the values Azimuth FOV Start XXX / End YYY,гдеwhere XXX –этоisуголtheвangleградусахinначалаdegreesобластиofсканирования,theаbeginning of the scan are, YYY –уголangleвinградусахdegreesокончанияofобластиtheсканирования.end of the scanning area.ДляForВЛСALSдляsetустановите значенияthe FOV Start: 217 End:323.323.ТакимWithобразомthisуголvaluesобзораtheбудетfieldсоставлятьof view (FOV) will be 106градусовdegreesвtoнижнююtheчастьbottom of TOPODRONE LiDAR (по53градусаdegreesвлевоtoиtheправоleftотandнадира)right of the nadir).ПослеAfterвводаenteringнужныхtheзначенийdesiredнажмитеvalues,кнопкуclickSave.the Save button.ДляForМЛСMLS,установитеsetзначенияthe FOV Start: 000 End:359.359.ТакимWithобразомthisуголvaluesобзораtheбудетfieldсоставлятьof view (FOV) will be 360градусов.degrees.ПослеAfterвводаenteringнужныхtheзначенийdesiredнажмитеvalues,кнопкуclickSave.the
Save button.Убедитесь,Makeчтоsureвсеthatостальныеallнастройки,otherкромеsettingsугловexceptначалаtheиrecordingокончанияstartзаписиandсоответствуютendтаковымanglesнаmatchпредставленныхthoseнижеinскриншотах:the screenshots below:НастройкаSettingпараметровtheсенсораLaserлазерногоScanningсканированияSensorдляParametersВЛСfor the ALSНастройкаSettingпараметровtheсенсораLaserлазерногоScanningсканированияSensorдляParametersВЛСfor the MLSНастройка параметров лазерного сенсораThe TOPODRONEзавершена.LiDARОтключитеsettingsпитаниеareотnowлазерногоcomplete.сканера,Turnотключитеoffвсеtheкабелиpowerиtoуберитеtheоборудованиеlaserвscanner,кейсdisconnectприallнеобходимостиcables and put the equipment in the case if necessary.Настройки
The лазерногоprocedure сенсораfor TOPODRONEconnecting сохраняютсяthe доlaser моментаscanner следующегоto изменения.the НастоятельноInternet рекомендуется запоминать или делать пометки текущих установленных углов лазерного сенсора. В случае неправильных исходных установок, например настройка ВЛС в момент выполнения МЛС, данные с исключенных углов не сохраняется и не могут быть каким-либо образом извлечена. Напротив, при настройки лазерного сканера на 360 градусов при выполнении ВЛС данные будут более чем в 3 раза избыточными.
The оборудования.