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Wi-Fi connection and setting adjusting

To connect to the TOPODRONE P24 via the web interface, the following is required:

1.      TOPODRONE P24 itself with external power supply connected (VIA SHLD port or USB Type-C 2 port)

2.      Any mobile device with Wi-Fi module and web browser (mobile phone, tablet, laptop, etc.).

     To connect to the TOPODRONE P24 via the web interface, do the following steps:

1. Enable power on the TOPODRONE P24 and wait for 30 seconds, while camera is initializing Рисунок6.png
2. Take your mobile device and stay somewhere not more than 10 meters around TOPODRONE P24
3. Open Wi-Fi settings and connect to SSID: TD_61mp, password: topodrone
4. After connection to TOPODRONE P24’s Wi-Fi open web-browser on your mobile device and go to
5.  You will see the camera settings interface, divided to 3 tabs: Main, Settings, HW.