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TOPODRONE Post Processing is a software product, which is designed for processing data received from TOPODRONE equipment. The program implements algorithms that allow to perform trajectory calculation based on GNSS data, obtain high-precision coordinates of the photo centers, joint processing of GNSS receiver and inertial system data, obtaining a cloud of laser scanning points and static data processing.

Convenience and universality of the interface allows the user to quickly master the TOPODRONE Post Processing program. The software has three versions: Free, PRO and Expert.

Free - даннаяthis версияsoftware программногоversion обеспеченияallows позволяетyou получатьto высокоточныеget центраhighly фотографийaccurate оборудованияphoto TOPODRONE,centers генерироватьof облакаTOPODRONE точекequipment, generate point clouds (приif наличииyou лазерногоhave сканераTOPODRONE TOPODRONE)laser scanner), получатьget батиметрическиеbathymetric данныеdata (приif наличииyou have TOPODRONE Aquamapper) иand пользоватьсяuse различнымиvarious инструментами.tools.

PRO - включаетincludes вall себяthe всеfeatures возможностиof версииthe Free иversion добавляютсяand возможностиadds расчетаthe данныхability методомto calculate data using the PPP иmethod полученияand точныхobtain центровaccurate фотографийphoto сcenters летательныхfrom аппаратовaircraft оборудованныхequipped штатнойwith камеройa иstandard ГНССcamera приемником.and GNSS receiver.

Expert is the most complete version of TOPODRONE Post Processing program and complements the whole complex with joint processing of GNSS receiver and inertial system.

Free PRO Expert
PPK Post Processing + + +
RTK Post Processing
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LiDAR Post Processing

LiDAR Cloud Generation + + +
Static Post Processing
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Precise Point Positioning
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TOOLS + + +