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TOPODRONE Post Processing is a software, designed for processing RAW data acquired by TOPODRONE equipment. The application implements algorithms to perform trajectory calculation based on GNSS data, calculate high-precision coordinates of the image centers, joint processing of GNSS receiver and inertial system data, LiDAR point cloud generation and static data processing.

Convenience and universality of the interface allows the user to quickly master the TOPODRONE Post Processing. The software has three versions: Free, PRO and Expert.

Free - this version allows to calculate high-precision image centers acquired with TOPODRONE equipment, generate LiDAR point clouds (if you own a TOPODRONE LiDAR solution), process bathymetric data (if you own a TOPODRONE Aquamapper) and use various tools.

PRO - includes all the features of the Free version and adds the ability to calculate data using the PPP method and calculate accurate image centers from aircrafts equipped with a standard camera and RTK GNSS receiver.

Expert is the complete version of TOPODRONE Post Processing software and includes the whole complex of tools with joint processing of GNSS receiver and inertial system.

Free PRO Expert
PPK Post Processing + + +
RTK Post Processing
+ +
LiDAR Post Processing

LiDAR Cloud Generation + + +
Static Post Processing
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Precise Point Positioning
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TOOLS + + +