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Preparation of initial data

After all the field work has been done, before proceeding to processing, it is necessary to structure all the data obtained, for this purpose:

  1. Download all the data to your computer. Photos from the camera and files from the GNSS receiver of the aircraft; Data from the TOPODRONE laser scanner;
    *.pcap – laser scanner sensor file
    *.imr –file from the laser scanner's inertial sensor
    *.ubx – raw measurement file from the laser scanner GNSS receiver
    log.txt – logs from the laser scanner, they do not take part in processing, but they are necessary for diagnostics.
    *.raw – file for laser scanner diagnostics, not included in processing
    Data set of a single activation of the TOPODRONE laser scanner.
    Static observation files from the base station;
    Catalog of control point coordinates.
  2. Distribute each data type to a separate folder with an appropriate name. If you have had multiple flights and/or passes, each data set should be placed in a separate folder.
  3. All photos are placed in folders on separate flights, in the same folders put *.ubx files from these flights, which are on a microSD flash card installed in TOPODRONE PPK Upgrade Kit on the aircraft.

    Please note that the photos should be separated exactly by flight. In DJI aircraft, photos are named with a numerical designation from 1 to 999 (For example, DJI_0001.jpg and DJI_0999.jpg), if you have more than 1000 files, the system will start writing the images to a new folder named DJI_0001.jpg

  4. Be sure to convert the static observation file from the base station to RINEX format and move it to a separate folder, such as Base.

Untitled Workspace.png

Folder structure for storing data.