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Turning on and initializing TOPODRONE P61 and GNSS receiver

After successful installation of TOPODRONE P61, place the drone on a flat, hard, stable surface. High grass, sandy beaches, metal structures (such as car hoods or ship decks), slush, and puddles are unsuitable for takeoff. There is a high probability of interference with the drone's compass or affecting the initialization of the camera mount.

The takeoff location should be in an open area away from trees, buildings, power lines and other obstacles. Turn on the drone, 5-7 seconds after the power supply, the suspension with the TOPODRONE P61  camera will begin initialization, calibrating, rotating in different directions. Do not obstruct the rotation or move the drone at this moment. Wait for the suspension calibration procedure to finish, it usually takes 10-15 seconds.

Simultaneously with the suspension, the TOPODRONE GNSS receiver initializes and searches for the GPS signal when receiving power. If there is even a small GNSS signal from several satellites, TOPODRONE will start recording kinematics data on the internal Micro-SD memory card. Normal initialization time of the TOPODRONE  receiver is 15-60 seconds.

Main elements of the TOPODRONE GNSS receiver


  1. Cable connecting the GNSS receiver module and pendant to the TOPODRONE 61 camera.
  2. Green colored LED. Indicates that power is being supplied to the GNSS receiver.
  3. Orange color LED. Indicates the status of recording to the memory card. During recording, the LED blinks rapidly. Each blink corresponds to the recording of 4 KB of data
  4. LED blue. Indicates the signal quality of the GNSS antenna
  5. Red LED Indicates that there are errors in the system. If an error occurs, check the memory card. If replacing or formatting the micro-SD card does not solve the problem, contact support.
  6. Micro-SD card slot.
  7. GNSS antenna coaxial cable.

Each time the receiver is turned on, a new .ubx file is created in the folder named DD-MM-YY (day-month-year) with the format name HH-MM-SS (hours-minutes-seconds).

is off PDOP>10
flashing slowly 3<PDOP<10
flashing fast 2<PDOP<3
continuously on PDOP<2

Indication of blue LED of TOPODRONE GNSS receiver

The time is recorded in UTC format. The file is created only after the GNSS receiver catches the signal from the satellites. Do not insert or remove a memory card while the receiver is operating. This operation should only be performed with the power off. The maximum allowable memory card capacity is 64 GB. The format is FAT32. The GNSS receiver records a UBX file at 10 Hz and receives GPS and GLONASS signal on L1 and L2 frequencies. After successful initialization, the following LEDs should be lit on the TOPODRONE receiver: green (constant), blue (constant), orange (flashing).