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Coordinate converter(One coordinate)
This tool allows to convert data from WGS-84 coordinate system to another one using *.prj file of...
Pruning IMR
To eliminate jumps in inertial navigation unit (IMU) data when performing work without satellite ...
Track trimming
This tool is designed to trim a trajectory file in *.pos and *.poses format.To start the tool, se...
Laser scanner track file structure
To customize the track file structure, go to the Settings tab, then select Lidar Scanning and sel...
Aerial photography
Select the Aerial Photography tab to customize the processing parameters of the PPK Post Processi...
Lidar scanning
In this section of the program you can configure parameters for high-precision trajectory process...
Laser Scanner Sensor Beam Calibration
To set the laser scanner sensor beam calibration, go to the Settings tab, then select Lidar Scann...
GNSS data converter
The module is based on the open source software RTKLIB, this module is designed to convert raw ob...
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: what happens if I run out of free space on the memory card while recording data (AL...
IMU calibration pattern
Before starting each route for ALS or MLS on the TOPODRONE LiDAR, a calibration pattern must be p...
Overlaps between scans and the height of the scanned objects
During the flight, TOPODRONE LiDAR scans an area of the surface of a certain width, which is call...
Supply package
1 TOPODRONE LiDAR 2 Protective cover for the laser scanner lens 3 Quick-rel...
TOPODRONE LiDAR to backpack installation
To install the TOPODRONE LiDAR on the backpack, you need the following components included in t...
TOPODRONE LiDAR 100/100+/200+ - are high-accuarate surveying measuring instruments that require c...
TOPODRONE LiDAR to mobile mount installation
To install the TOPODRONE LiDAR on the mobile mount, you will need the following components includ...
TOPODRONE LiDAR design and overview
TOPODRONE LiDAR 100/100+/200+ is a multifunctional device designed for airborne and mobile laser ...