RINEX merger
This function is designed to merge measurement files received from different receivers of the global navigation satellite system into one file. It is especially useful when the reference base station provider divides files into time slots when downloading data.
Follow the steps below to merge the files: Go to the Tools tab and select Merge under RINEX.
Click the "Add" button to add measurement files and select the required files in *.rnx, *.**o and *.obs formats.
The "RINEX files" window will display the downloaded files, and the "Logs" window will display information about the recording time, antenna type, and receiver coordinates that the program reads from your files.
Specify the path to the folder where you want to save the merged file.
Click on the "Start" button to have the program merge all files and save to the previously specified folder.
After the file merge operation is successfully completed, you can use the resulting file for further data processing.
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