This part of the instructions will cover the various tools that help make the job easier.
Filters LAS/LAZ
When launching the filters, we are greeted with a startup window. Statistical Outlier Removal ...
PRJ editor
PRJ Editor is a tool that allows you to edit the coordinate system knowing the transition paramet...
Viewing the point cloud
This tool is intended for viewing and analyzing the point cloud obtained during processing in TOP...
Data archive GNSS
This module is a large database with publicly available base stations for downloading observation...
Track trimming
This tool is designed to trim a trajectory file in *.pos and *.poses format.To start the tool, se...
Merge track files
The module is designed for trajectory stitching followed by point cloud generation in the LiDAR C...
Pruning IMR (+GNSS)
You can use the IMR(+GNSS) Trim IMR(+GNSS) tool to eliminate jumps in inertial navigation system ...
Pruning IMR
To eliminate jumps in inertial navigation unit (IMU) data when performing work without satellite ...
Coordinate converter(One coordinate)
This tool allows to convert data from WGS-84 coordinate system to another one using *.prj file of...
Coordinate Converter(Coordinates from file)
The tool allows you to convert coordinates from one coordinate system to another using the *.prj ...
The "Maps" module is designed to display loaded static observations and vectors at all stages of ...
GNSS data converter
The module is based on the open source software RTKLIB, this module is designed to convert raw ob...
RINEX merger
This function is designed to merge measurement files received from different receivers of the glo...
Satellite filtering
This module allows you to exclude certain satellite constellations or specific satellites from th...
Calculating the focal length
This tool is not directly related to GNSS data processing, but it helps to calculate the focal le...
Ground classification
The Ground Classification tool allows you to divide the point cloud into two components: terrain ...