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Coordinate Converter(Coordinates from file)

The tool allows you to convert coordinates from one coordinate system to another using the *.prj coordinate system file loaded into the program database or the calibration file created earlier in the TOPODRONE Post Processing program. More details about this process can be found in the "Calibration" section. To convert a coordinate catalog from one coordinate system to another, go to the "Tools" menu and select "Coordinate Converter", then "Coordinates from file".

Coordinates from file_1.jpg

In the Source section, specify the coordinate catalog file you want to convert, the import start line, and the coordinate separator type.

Coordinates from file_2.jpg
Select the coordinate system and elevation type of the original coordinate catalog.

Coordinates from file_3.jpg

Determine whether the columns match the values.

Coordinates from file_4.jpg
Specify the coordinate system and elevation type of the target coordinate catalog.

Coordinates from file_5.jpg
If you have calibrated in the TOPODRONE Post Processing program, press the "PRJ" button, then press "NO" and select your calibration file.

Coordinates from file_6.jpg

After pressing the "Start" button, the right window will display the coordinate catalog in the selected coordinate system. If necessary, click the "Save" button and save the new file.

Coordinates from file_7.jpg

Coordinates from file_8.jpg