PPK Post Processing
This module allows automatic processing of GNSS measurements, where a U-blox chip receiver acts as a rover. To perform processing in this module, perform the following procedure:
1. Run the TOPODRONE Post Processing.
2. Select a folder with photos. The "Output folder" with final results of processing will be automatically created, if necessary it can be changed. If there is a *.ubx file from this flight in the folder with photos, data conversion to *.obs will take place. Otherwise it is necessary to select *.ubx file from this flight separately.
3. By pressing the buttonĀ you can analyze the quality of the data.
4. From the drop-down list select "Drone Model" to take into account the offset of the GNSS antenna and the center of the camera sensor. If necessary, you can add your own data to the drop-down list by clicking the "Presets" button and entering the necessary offsets.
5. Select the file from the base station (*.ubx, *.obs, *.rnx, *.YYo). For files in *.rnx and *.ubx formats, it will automatically start the conversion process to *.obs format
The "Logs" window displays information about actions performed by the program, it is necessary to pay attention to the time of file recording from the rover and from the base station. The base station file must overlap the rover files. |
The TOPODRONE Post Processing will automatically load base station coordinates and base antenna height from the Rinex file, taking into account that it was entered during measurement
6. In case your coordinate system is different from WGS-84, you need to click the "Projection" button and select your coordinate system from the proposed list or enter the coordinate system name in the search bar.
7. If your coordinate system is not in the list, you can add it to the TOPODRONE Post Processing program. When you select a coordinate system, it will be converted from WGS-84 to the selected projection. If necessary, correct the coordinates of the base station.
The height of the antenna includes the height of the milestone or tripod from the point of known coordinates to the bottom of the receiver mount and the height from the bottom of the receiver mount to the phase center.
8. Change the type of height used, if you select any of the types, the height is automatically converted.
9. TOPODRONE Post Processing program allows to perform batch processing of many flights from one base station within one observation session. To start batch processing it is necessary to press the "Add (0)" button, in the opened window add additional folders with photos, *.ubx files and press "OK"
10. Just press the "Start" button to start the machining process. Data processing takes place simultaneously in forward and reverse directions and the type of solution is displayed in the form of the letter "Q" with the addition of a number, where Q1 - fixed solution, Q2 - floating solution and Q5 - no solution.
11. At the end of processing a window will be displayed, where you can see the trajectory of the rover, the number of photos, the number of marks, the number of matches and the accuracy of the obtained centers of photos, where green marks are marks obtained with a fixed solution, and yellow marks are marks obtained with a floating solution.
12. In the output folder, a catalog of coordinates of the exact photo centers is saved.
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