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LiDAR Cloud Generation

To start this module, you need to go to the LiDAR Cloud Generation tab.

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Specify the path to the data from the laser scanner *.pcap in the "Drone Files" window in the "Lidar File" field, in the "Track File" field specify the track_*.pos trajectory file, which was obtained as a result of processing in the LiDAR Post Processing module. By default, the data will be saved to the source folder.LiDAR Cloud Generation_2.jpg

Click the "Trim" button and specify the start and end point of the trajectory to generate a point cloud.

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If necessary, you can divide the trajectory into separate transects by clicking on the "Trajectory trim area" button Click "Accept" to trim the unselected part of the trajectory and "OK" to save.

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Roll, Pitch and Heading calibration angles should be set to "0", in case you have already calculated the angles and they remain stable, you can select your preset from the drop-down list. X/Y/Z should be used to correct the position of the clouds in the X, Y and Z axes in case of discrepancies between passes. Dynamics is the dynamic correction of Angle, Roll, Pitch and Heading across passes, i.e. each individual cloud segment will have its own angle values. If this function is used, the entire cloud must be used.

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In the "Misalignment correction" field, you must select a value to calculate the angles. It is optimal to select at least two tack with a fixed trajectory with the presence of vertical objects.

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To select a coordinate system you should press the "Coordinate system" button and choose your coordinate system from the proposed list or enter the name of the coordinate system in the search line. If your coordinate system is not in the list, you can add it to the TOPODRONE Post Processing program.LiDAR Cloud Generation_9.jpg

Change the type of elevation used. If your geoid model is not in the list, you can add it to the TOPODRONE Post Processing program yourself.

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Next, click on the "Start" button to start the Angle Calculation or point cloud generation process.

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In the process of calculating the angles, the program will perform several passes, which will result in the calculated values of Roll, Pitch and Heading angles.

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When the calculation is complete, the program will inform you that you can save the calculated calibration parameters into presets for further selection of values from the drop-down list.

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When completed, a cloud will be generated in LAS/LAZ format in the source data folder.

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