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TPP v. updated 10.09.2024

If paid support expired before 10.09.2024, this TPP version will not work for a user. It is necessary to either pay for support or download previous version distributive, the release date of which is earlier than the expiration date of paid support.

Get the distribution: TOPODRONE Software Distributor

+ Added: when generating several clouds from the same trajectory, the trajectory is replaced in the Local Coordinate System (LSC). If 3 different clouds needs to be generated from one pcap file and from one trajectory after LiDAR Post Ptocessing module, TPP will generate 3 clouds and one trajectory for the last generated cloud. The trajectory in LSC have an additional prefix _CHMSS.
+ Fixed: during the LiDAR calibration angles calculation TPP can make a large number of passes. The algorithm for finding calibration angles is supplemented with automatic calculation of the scaling factor of the headings (depending on the velocity of motion). There should not be a large number of passes
+ Fixed: PPK/RTK modules: drone speeds in output catalogs are now taken from event.pos. Previously they were read from pos.stat, which in some situations were zeros.
+ Fixed: During processing of data from cameras without navigation centers of photos, after processing of trajectories the view was reset to coordinates 0;0. For all these cameras now the view on the screen does not change.
+ Added: LPP: it is now possible to enter the base station phase center coordinates in LSC, including taking into account the geoid model.
+ Added: AQUAMAPPER: In batch processing, simultaneous loading of UBX data is now available.
+ Fixed PPK: after TOPODRONE PT61 post-processing data if another data from any other camera that does not have a thermal imaging sensor post processing starts, a previews of the thermal imaging images are still generated.
+ Added: IMR Viewer: the vibration graph starts on 0
+ Fixed: Adjusted parsing of lidar file MID-360