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TPP v. updated 25.01.2025

If the paid technical support period ended before 25.01.2025, then this distribution will not work for the user. He will need to either pay for support or download previous distributions, the release date of which is earlier than the paid support period ended.

Get the distribution: TOPODRONE Software Distributor

Added: Bugs fixed, security improved, work accelerated, new functionality added in comparison with the previous version.

Fixed: LPP, PPK, RTK - The "Coordinate System", "Logs" and "Map" windows in the specified modules became the same size.

Fixed: RTK - When loading data into PPK Post Processing, the globe button for viewing the "Plot" window is not displayed, including during batch processing.

Added: LPP - Automatic check for missing IMU measurements with a trimming warning with the following text: "IMR file has time gaps, use the "IMR Trim" tool."

Added: PPK, RTK, LPP - Automatic check for rover and base station recording times. If the base station operating time does NOT include the rover operating time, then the message is displayed: "The base station operating time does not match the rover operating time.", if the base station operating time includes the rover operating time, then standard processing is performed. In the case of batch processing, all rover files are checked with the base station file.